LinkedIn Profile Picture Before & After

January 19, 2024
LinkedIn Profile Picture before and after professional headshot

Christine came in to the studio for a headshot photo update. She ended up with a professional photo that clearly expresses her caring spirit while maintaining a level of professionalism that creates trust.

A professional headshot photo as your LinkedIn profile picture can help your personal brand in several ways.

LinkedIn Profile Picture: Expression

Firstly, a professional photographer should work with you to create a headshot that will express exactly what you want to express to your audience. Whatever factors you consider most important in your profession, from friendliness to experience to confidence, a headshot photographer will coach you in facial expression and posture to convey those attitudes through your headshot.

We all have experienced how difficult it can be to just “act natural! and smile naturally!” on command. The specific coaching provided by a professional can alleviate the stress of trying to appear uncontrived when nothing about the situation is natural.

LinkedIn Profile Picture: Lighting & Background

Secondly, a professional headshot photographer will have all the equipment to create a high-quality portrait that is sharp and well-lit. They will also provide a background from of distracting elements.

This is something to consider even if you are taking your own headshot and not getting it done professionally. Your LinkedIn headshot will benefit from a plain background and bright lighting (but not so bright it makes you squint).

Is any picture better than none?

This is a tough one. If your priority is a professional appearance, but you don’t have a crisp professional photo, you probably just have a faceless default icon as your LinkedIn profile picture.

However, the old saying remains true—people do business with people. Especially in an era where more and more of our business is conducted virtually, it’s good to have a photo of yourself available online. People want to know who you are. They may be considering and comparing different companies, and your professional headshot may be the thing that tips the scales in your favor.

Showing that you care enough to make an effort with a professional photo may be enough to show people that you are very invested in your business. And the expression of friendliness and approachability, confidence and experience, or seriousness, that you choose, will help to draw in the clients who are looking for exactly that.

Christine's professional headshot on her LinkedIn profile draws attention to her friendly and caring attitude.

If you’re ready to invest in your brand by updating your headshot for your LinkedIn profile picture and other online spaces, contact Berks Headshots! You can browse our available options and book an appointment through our no-hassle online scheduler. We look forward to helping you show up & shine online!

Get Your Photos Done!

It doesn’t have to be a hassle! We specialize in making it easy to get your photos done, and we help you get it done right the first time! You deserve quality photos. Click the button below to get started.

1. Click the button below
2. Learn More & Book when you’re ready
3. Have great photos that will boost your brand!

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