To selfie or not to selfie? What’s needed in a headshot? Check out these before & after LinkedIn profiles!
What does your LinkedIn Profile Communicate?
In today’s world of online marketing, sales, connecting, and spreading the word, your first impression is often your LinkedIn profile pic or another social media photo. How does yours rate? Does it show your professionalism and convey that you are confident and approachable? Check out these before and after LinkedIn profile photos below to see the difference your image can make.
This Businesswoman’s LinkedIn Profile Pic went from DIY to Pro
As a director at Stitch Fix, a company with an online-only storefront, Mary wanted a professional studio headshot to boost first impressions online.
Headshots are a key component of this entrepreneur’s LinkedIn Profile and website About Page
As an entrepreneur, your headshot is the face of your personal brand. A headshot that builds your “know, like and trust” factor with your audience is essential. Jim is building his brand with high-quality images that connect.
This executive director’s new headshot brings his professionalism to his presence on LinkedIn
A suit jacket adds a professional touch when getting your headshot, but if your lighting and posing are not up-to-par, it can take away from the message you want your image to convey. Scott upgraded his headshot and his LinkedIn profile pic got an instant boost in professionalism.
LinkedIn No-Shows
If you are one of those no-picture circles on LinkedIn, it’s time to stop hiding. Don’t just take it from me—here is a quote straight from LinkedIn’s blog:
“Your profile picture is a key element of your LinkedIn presence. Our research shows that just having a picture makes your profile 14 times more likely to be viewed by others.”
LinkedIn Business Blog
Not ready for a pro studio headshot, but want to improve your DIY LinkedIn Profile Pic? Check out this post on DIY Headshot Lighting Tips.
Berks Headshots has been helping Berks business people show up & shine online for years, and we’d love to help you too! Get the details, and get the headshot that will show off your professionalism!