Warm & Welcoming: Does your headshot tell your story?

October 9, 2020
Headshot studio for therapist in Berks County

Every person has a story. Each story is unique and makes an impact on the world.

When this warm-hearted therapist, Julie Gabriel, came to the studio for her headshot, we knew we wanted to create headshots with warmth, expressing the welcoming posture that her clients enjoy. We wanted to tell the story of her personality and demeanor through her picture. She is based in Berks county, PA and offers teletherapy, using a holistic multi-faceted approach.

Headshots with warmth

To convey the message we wanted to send, we started with a warm toned wardrobe and background. Julie happens to have a gorgeous hair color that compliments the “scene”! Next was posture and expression. While I guided her on posing, we enjoyed a lighthearted conversation and her natural expressions captured so well on camera.

therapist headshot with warm welcoming expression

Headshot for more than one purpose

Julie’s headshot will serve more than one purpose—it will allow potential clients browsing her website to begin to build a connection with her. And, she plans to use it as her headshot in clinical directories. From multiple professional uses to personal social pages and prints for loved ones, great headshot can be part of your legacy beyond your LinkedIn profile picture or “about me” photo on your website.

Playful headshots in the studio

It is always fun to capture a little bit of whimsy in a headshot session. Adding a little airflow to create some motion in Julie’s hair, we captured a few more before her session was done.

Julie's occupation as a therapist led us to help her create inviting headshots with warmth.

Ready for your turn? Come in for a headshot session so we can capture your story and message!

Get Your Photos Done!

It doesn’t have to be a hassle! We specialize in making it easy to get your photos done, and we help you get it done right the first time! You deserve quality photos. Click the button below to get started.

1. Click the button below
2. Learn More & Book when you’re ready
3. Have great photos that will boost your brand!

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